Font Awesome Payment Icons

Here we will learn payment icons in font awesome with examples and different types of font-awesome icons those are PayPal, credit card, visa card, master card, jscb card, dinners-club card, and Amex card with examples.

Font Awesome Payment Icons

Font awesome is having different types of payment icons those are PayPal, credit card, visa card, master card, American Express (AMEX), google wallet, etc.


The following table shows the list of available payment icons in font awesome with examples.


NameUsage DescriptionIconExample
cc-amex <i class="fa fa-cc-amex"></i> DEMO
cc-diners-club <i class="fa fa-cc-diners-club"></i> DEMO
cc-discover <i class="fa fa-cc-discover"></i> DEMO
cc-jcb <i class="fa fa-cc-jcb"></i> DEMO
cc-mastercard <i class="fa fa-cc-mastercard"></i> DEMO
cc-paypal <i class="fa fa-cc-paypal"></i> DEMO
cc-stripe <i class="fa fa-cc-stripe"></i> DEMO
cc-visa <i class="fa fa-cc-visa"></i> DEMO
credit-card <i class="fa fa-credit-card"></i> DEMO
credit-card-alt <i class="fa fa-credit-card-alt"></i> DEMO
google-wallet <i class="fa fa-google-wallet"></i> DEMO
paypal <i class="fa fa-paypal"></i> DEMO