Learn C# Programming Step By Step

  By : Suresh Dasari
  Posted On : 14-Jun-2023

Here we will learn what is c# (c sharp) programming, uses of c# programming, and how to use c# programming to build applications with examples.

What is C# (C Sharp)?

C# (pronounced as “C Sharp”) is a simple type-safe object-oriented programming language that will allow developers to build a variety of applications such as windows applications, web applications, mobile apps, etc. based on the requirements.


Microsoft has developed the C# (C Sharp) programming language as a part of its .NET Framework and the initial version is released in 2002. To run the c# applications, we need to install the .NET Framework on our machines. To learn more about .NET Framework, visit Introduction to C#.


C# is an object-oriented programming language and it has a rich set of features such as classes, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance, interfaces, etc. to support the creation and manipulation of objects that encapsulate data.


C# is a type-safe programming language which means it performs object type checking at compile time and helps to fix the errors to improve the code reliability. The main feature of c# is memory management it will automatically take care of the memory allocation and deallocation for the objects.


To learn more about C# features, history, etc., visit C# Introduction. To learn complete C# programming, visit the following C# topics we covered every topic in detail with examples.

Basics in C#

Following are the basic topics that you need to learn in c# to understand the programming better before proceeding with other topics.


Conditional Statements in C#

In c#, you can write a code and execute it based on the specified conditions for that you need to use the following conditional statements.


Iteration Loops in C#

In c#, if you want to execute the group of statements repeatedly until the defined condition is true, you need to use the following iteration loops in c#.


Jump Statements in C#

In c#, the jump statements are useful to break or terminate the iteration loops. To learn about jump statements in c#, check the following topics.


Arrays in C#

In c#, arrays are useful to store the elements of same datatype at contiguous memory locations. To learn about arrays in c#, check the following topics.


Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in C#

Generally, object-oriented programming means a strategy that allows users to work with the objects which are instances of the classes. To learn about object-oriented programming concepts in c#, check the following topics.


Collections in C#

In c#, collections are useful to manage a group of objects in a flexible manner to perform various operations like insert, update, delete, get, etc., on the object items. To learn collections in c#, refer to the following topics.


Generics in C#

In c#, generics are useful to define a class, structure, interface, or method with placeholders (type parameters) to indicate that they can store or use one or more of the types. To learn about generics in c#, refer to the following topics.


File Operations in C#

In c#, we can perform file-related operations such as read, write, etc. using the System.IO namespace. To learn about file related operations, check the following topics.


Exceptions Handling in C#

In c#, we can handle unexpected or runtime exceptions using try, catch, and finally blocks. To learn about exception-handling mechanisms in c#, refer to the following topics.


Advanced Topics in C#

Following are the some of advanced topics that we can learn in c# programming.