Visual Basic (VB) Hello World Program

Using Visual Studio, we can easily create a Hello World Program or Console Application in Visual Basic based on our requirements.


In the previous chapter, we learned how to Download and Install Visual Studio on Windows Machine. In case if you don't install a visual studio, then follow the instructions to install a visual studio otherwise open your visual studio.

Create Visual Basic Console Application

To create a new application in visual studio, go to the Menu bar, select File à New à select a Project as shown below.


Create a New C# Project using Visual Studio


Once you click on Project, a new popup will open in that select Visual Basic from the left pane and choose Console App. In the Name section, give any name for your project, select the appropriate Location path to save your project files, and click OK like as shown below.


Select Visual Basic and Console App to Create a Visual Basic Project using Visual Studio


Once we click on OK button, a new console application will be created like as shown below. If the Module1.vb file is not opened in your code editor, open the Solution Explorer menu on the right side and double click on your Module1.vb file.


After Creating Visual Basic Console Application using Visual Studio


If you observe the above image, by default, the application contains a Main() method because the console applications in visual basic will always start from the Main() method of program class.

Visual Basic Hello World Program Example

Now, replace your Module1.vb file code like as shown following to display the “Hello World” message.


Imports System

Module Module1
   Sub Main()
     Console.WriteLine("Hello World!")
     Console.WriteLine("Press Enter Key to Exit.")
   End Sub
End Module

If you observe the above code, we used many parameters to implement the “Hello World” program in visual basic. In the next section, we will learn all the parameters in detail.

Visual Basic Hello World Program Structure

Now we will go through each step of our visual basic program and learn each parameter in a detailed manner. 


Imports System;


Here, Imports System is the .NET Framework library namespaces and we used Imports keyword to import system namespace to use existing class methods such WriteLine(), ReadLine(), etc. By default, the .NET Framework provides a lot of namespaces to make the application implementation easy.


The namespace is a collection of classes, and classes are the collection of objects and methods.


Module Module1


Here, Module Module1 is used to define a module (Module1). The module (Module1) will contain all the variables, methods, etc., based on our requirements.


Sub Main()


Here, Sub Main() is used to define a method in our module (Module1). 


  • The keyword Sub is a procedure and it is helpful to write a series of Visual Basic statements within Sub and End Sub statements.
  • The name Main will refer to the name of our method in module (Module1). The Main() method is the entry point of our console application.

Console.WriteLine() / ReadLine()


Here, Console.WriteLine() and Console.ReadLine() methods are used to write a text to the console and read the input from the console. 


The Console is a class of .NET Framework namespace System and WriteLine() and ReadLine() are the methods of Console class.

Compile & Run VB Hello World Program

To see the output of our Visual Basic Hello World Program, we need to compile and run the application by pressing either Ctrl + F5 or click on the Start option in the menu bar like as shown below.


Visual Studio Start Button to Compile and Run Visual Basic Program


Once we click on the Start option or Ctrl + F5, our program will compile and show the result below.


Visual Basic Hello World Program Example Result


This is how we can create and execute the applications in visual basic (vb) programming language using visual studio based on our requirements.