AngularJS $apply() Function

Here we will learn $apply() function in angularjs, use of $apply function, difference between $apply() and $digest() functions in angularjs, using $apply() function in angularjs applications with example.

AngularJs $apply() function

In angularjs $apply() function is used to evaluate expressions outside of angularjs context (like browser DOM events, setTimeout, XHR or third party libraries). Generally in angularjs once $apply() function execution finishes forcefully it will call $digest() function to update all data bindings.


In angularjs the $apply() function is a one of the central function of $scope object.

Difference between $apply() vs. $digest() Functions

Following are the differences between $apply and $digest() functions in angularjs.


1.  The $apply() and $digest() methods are used to update the model properties forcefully.


2.  The $digest() method evaluate watchers for the current scope but $apply() method is used to evaluate watchers for root scope that means it's for all scopes.


3.  The $apply() method is used to update entire scope variables and bind model properties forcefully.


4.  The $apply() method is slower than $digest() method because $digest() function trigger watchers on current $scope but $apply() function trigger watchers on entire scopes.


5.  If any error occurs in watch list while using $digest() function it will not handle exceptions with $expectionHandler service we need to write our own custom code to handle it but if we use $apply() function internally it’s having try catch functionality to catch the errors while using watch list and send it to $exceptionHandler service.

Syntax of AngularJS $apply() Function

Following is the syntax of using $apply() function in angularjs applications.


$scope.$apply(function () {


//Your Code.



We can use angularjs $apply() function in different ways. Following are the different ways of using $apply() function.


$scope.$apply(function () {

$scope.val1 = '';


// or

$scope.$apply('val1 = ""');


$scope.$apply(function (scope) {

scope.val1 = '';


We will see how to use $apply() function in angularjs applications.

Example of AngularJS $apply() Function

Following is the example of using $apply() function in angularjs applications.


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AngularJs $apply() Function with Example


<script src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

var app = angular.module('applyApp', []);

app.controller('applyCtrl', function ($scope) {

$scope.currentDateTime = new Date();

$scope.updatedtime = function () {

$scope.currentDateTime = new Date();


//Added an event listener.

var event = document.getElementById("btnapply");

event.addEventListener('click', function () {

//The $apply method is use to update date time on rootScope forcefully.

$scope.$apply(function () {

//get dateTime

$scope.currentDateTime = new Date();







<div ng-app="applyApp" ng-controller="applyCtrl">

<h2>AngularJS $apply() Function Example</h2>

<input type="button" value="Click to Update DateTime" ng-click="updatedtime()" />

<input type="button" value="Click to Update DateTime forcefully." id="btnapply" />

<br /><br />

<span style="color:Red">Current Date Time: {{currentDateTime | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}}</span>




If you observe above code we are forcefully updating expression ($scope.currentDateTime) value by calling $apply() function on button click otherwise the changes whatever we made for expression ($scope.currentDateTime) will not reflect in view of angularjs applications.

Output of AngularJS $apply() Function()

Following is the result of using $apply() function in angularjs applications.


Angularjs $apply() function example result or output


This is how we can use $apply() function in angularjs applications.