TypeScript Number Data Type

In TypeScript, the number data type is useful to define variables to accept only numbers. The TypeScript will support all numeric values same as JavaScript and it will store all the numbers as floating-point numbers.


The number data type in typescript is useful to represent integers as well as floating-point values. The typescript numbers also support decimal, hexadecimal, binary and octal literals.

TypeScript Number Type Syntax

Following is the syntax of defining the variables with number type in typescript.


[Keyword] [Variable Name]: [number] = [Value];

[Keyword] [Variable Name]: [number];

If you observe the above syntax, we added a number data type after the variable name to tell the compiler that the number type of data the variable can hold.

  • [Keyword] – It’s a keyword of the variable either var, let or const to define the scope and usage of variables.
  • [Variable Name] - Its name of the variable to hold the values in our application.
  • [number] - It’s a number type of data the variable can hold.
  • [Value] – Assigning a required value to the variable.

Now, we will learn how to use number data types in TypeScript with examples.

TypeScript Number Data Type Example

Following is the example of defining the variables with number data type in typescript.


let num1: number = 446; // number

let num2: number = 78.65; // number

let num3: number = 0x120A; // hexadecimal

let num4: number = 0b1110; // binary

let num5: number = 0o211; // octal


console.log(num1); // 446

console.log(num2); // 78.65

console.log(num3); // 4618

console.log(num4); // 14

console.log(num5); // 137

If you observe the above number type example, we defined multiple variables with number type to hold the required values including hexadecimal, octal, and binary based on our requirements.

TypeScript Number Type Methods

The following are the different types of methods available for number type in typescript.


toExponential() It will return the number in exponential notation string format.
toFixed() It will return the number in fixed-point notation string format.
toLocaleString() It will convert the number to a string by using the current or specified locale.
toPrecision() It will return the number in either exponential or fixed-point notation with a specified number of digits in string format.
toString() It will return the string representation of number in the specified base.
valueOf() It will return the primitive value of a specified object.

TypeScript Number Type Methods Example

Following is the example of using number type methods in typescript.


let num1: number = 446;

// toExponential()

console.log('Exponential Method')

console.log(num1.toExponential()); // 4.46e+2

console.log(num1.toExponential(1)); // 4.5e+2

console.log(num1.toExponential(2)); // 4.46e+2

// toString()

console.log('String Method')

console.log(num1.toString()); // 446

console.log(num1.toString(2)); // 110111110

console.log(num1.toString(4)); // 12332

// valueOf()

console.log('ValueOf Method')

console.log(num1.valueOf()); // 446

console.log(typeof num1); // number


let num2: number = 78.65123;

// toFixed()

console.log('Fixed Method')

console.log(num2.toFixed()); // 79

console.log(num2.toFixed(1)); // 78.7

console.log(num2.toFixed(2)); // 78.65


let num3: number = 20456.543;

// toLocaleString()

console.log('LocaleString Method')

console.log(num3.toLocaleString()); // 20,456.543 - US

console.log(num3.toLocaleString('de-DE')); // 20.456,543 - German


let num4: number = 46.6521;

// toPrecision()

console.log('Precision Method')

console.log(num4.toPrecision()); // 46.6521

console.log(num4.toPrecision(1)); // 5e+1

console.log(num4.toPrecision(2)); // 47

console.log(num4.toPrecision(3)); // 46.7

If you observe the above example, we used different methods of number type based on our requirements.

TypeScript Number Object

In typescript, we can also represent the numbers by using Number object like as shown below.


[Keyword] [Variable Name] = new Number(Value);

Following is the example of using Number object to represent numbers in typescript.


let num1 = new Number(446);

let num2 = new Number(46.6521);

In case, if we pass the non-numeric argument to Number object, then it will return the variable value as NaN.

TypeScript Number Object Properties

The typescript Number object is having different properties to use it in our applications. The following table lists different properties of Number object in typescript.


MAX_VALUE It will return the largest number that can be represented in JavaScript. Equal to approximately 1.79E+308.
MAX_SAFE_INTEGER It will return the maximum safest integer number that you can use in typescript i.e. 9007199254740991 2^53 − 1
MIN_VALUE It will return the smallest number i.e. 5.00E-324.
MIN_SAFE_INTEGER It will return the minimum safest integer number that you can use in typescript i.e. −9007199254740991 (−(2^53 − 1)).
EPSILON It will return the value that is difference between 1 and the smallest value greater than 1 which is approximate: 2.220446049250313e-16
NEGATIVE_INFINITY It will return the value that is less than MIN_VALUE.
POSITIVE_INFINITY It will return the value that is greater than MAX_VALUE.
NaN (Not a Number) The TypeScript will return NaN when the valid number not defined in number calculations.
parseFloat It is useful to convert string to a floating-point number.
parseInt It is useful to convert string to an integer.
prototype It is useful to assign new properties and methods to the Number object in current document.

TypeScript Number Properties Examples

Following is the example of using Number object properties in typescript.


// Number Object Properties





// NaN Example

let num1 = 0;

if (num1 <= 0) {



else {



// Prototype Example

function User(id: number, name: string) {

    this.id = id

    this.name = name


let emp = new User(446, "Suresh")

User.prototype.email = "support@tutlane.com"

console.log("Id: " + emp.id)

console.log("Name: " + emp.name)

console.log("Email: " + emp.email)

If you observe the above example, we used different properties of Number object based on our requirements.


When we execute the above example, we will get the result as shown below.







Id: 446

Name: Suresh

Email: support@tutlane.com

This is how we can use number type in typescript to define the variables to accept numbers based on our requirements.