TypeScript Variables

In TypeScript, variables will represent storage locations and these are useful to store/hold the data to use it in applications to perform required actions.


In TypeScript, we can use var, let and const keywords to define the variables same like JavaScript and the variable declaration in TypeScript will follow the same rules as JavaScript.


Following are the rules which you need to follow before you declare and define variables in TypeScript.


  • You can define a variable name with the combination of alphabets, numbers, and underscore.
  • The variable name must always start with either alphabet or underscore but not with numbers.
  • While defining the variable, no white space is allowed within the variable name.
  • You should not use any reserved keywords such as var, break, any, if, switch, etc. for the variable name.

In TypeScript, the variables declaration and initialization with var, let and const keywords are same but the only difference is the scope and usage of the variables will vary based on the defined keyword.


In JavaScript ES6, the let and const keywords are introduced to fix the problems of var keyword. As discussed, the TypeScript will support all the features of JavaScript so automatically it will support both let and const keywords.

TypeScript Variable Declaration Syntax

Following are the syntaxes of declaring and initializing the variables in typescript.


[Keyword] [Variable Name] = [Value];

[Keyword] [Variable Name];

[Keyword] [Variable Name]: [Type Annotation] = [Value];

[Keyword] [Variable Name]: [Type Annotation];

If you observe the above syntaxes, we used different terms to declare and initialize the variables in typescript. To know more about each item, check the following info.


  • [Keyword] - It’s a keyword of the variable either var, let or const to define the scope and usage of variable.
  • [Variable Name] - Its name of the variable to hold the values in our application.
  • [Type Annotation] - It’s a type of data the variable can hold such as integer, string, decimal, etc.
  • [Value] - Assigning a required value to the variable.

Now, we will learn how to declare and define the variables in TypeScript with different keywords such as var, let and const with examples.

TypeScript Variables with var Keyword

Following is the example of declaring and defining the variables with var keyword in typescript.


var uname = "Suresh Dasari";

var ulocation: string = "Hyderabad";

var marks = 400;

var percentage: number = 45.6;

console.log("Name:" + uname);

console.log("Location:" + ulocation);

console.log("Marks:" + marks);

console.log("Percentage:" + percentage);

When we compile the above code, the typescript compiler will generate the following JavaScript code.


var uname = "Suresh Dasari";

var ulocation = "Hyderabad";

var marks = 400;

var percentage = 45.6;

console.log("Name:" + uname);

console.log("Location:" + ulocation);

console.log("Marks:" + marks);

console.log("Percentage:" + percentage);

By default, in JavaScript var keyword is useful to declare the variables. The above example will return the result like as shown below.


Name:Suresh Dasari




We can also declare the variables inside of functions using var keyword and we can access those variables in other functions like as following.


function a() {

    var x = 15;

    return function b() {

        var y = x + 20;

        return y;



var c = a();

var result = c();

console.log(result); // returns '35'

If you observe the above example, we created variable “x” and we are able to access the same variable (x) inside of another function.

TypeScript var Variables Scope

Generally, the var variables are accessible anywhere within their containing function, module, namespace, or global scope regardless of the containing block.


Following is the example of declaring and using the var variables in TypeScript.


function printNumber(x: number, isActive: boolean) {

    if (isActive) {

        var y = x + 1000;


    if (x > 2) {

        var z = x + 10;


    console.log(x); // 1

    console.log(y); // undefined

    console.log(z); // undefined


printNumber(1, false);

If you observe the above code snippet, we created printNumber function with x and isActive parameters and printing different variables (x, y, z) value.


If isActive variable value is true, then it will execute the statements which are inside of the condition. Same way, if x value is greater than 2 then it will the statements inside of the condition.


When we execute the above example, we will get the result like as shown below.





Even though the declaration of var variables inside of the condition, we are able to access the values of variables within the function that is called function-scoping.

TypeScript Variables with let Keyword

As discussed, in ES6 the let keyword introduced to fix the problems of var variables and to limit the access of variables to block level.


Same like var, you can use let keyword to define the let variables. Following is the example of declaring and defining the variables with let keyword in typescript.


let uname = "Suresh Dasari";

let ulocation: string = "Hyderabad";

let marks = 400;

let percentage: number = 45.6;

console.log(uname); // Suresh Dasari

console.log(ulocation); // Hyderabad

console.log(marks); // 400

console.log(percentage); // 45.6

If you observe the above code snippet, there is no difference in variables declaration with var and let keywords but the key difference is the scope of variables access.

TypeScript let Variables Scope

Unlike var variables, the let variables will use block-scoping or lexical scoping that means the let variables scope is limited to the specified block and it will provide type safety. So in typescript it’s always recommended to declare the variables using let keyword.


Following is the example of declaring and using the let variables in TypeScript.


function printNumber(x: number, isActive: boolean) {

    if (isActive) {

        let y = x + 1000;


    if (x > 2) {

        let z = x + 10;


    console.log(x); // 1

    console.log(y); // Error: Cannot find name 'y'

    console.log(z); // Error: Cannot find name 'z'


printNumber(1, false);

If you observe the above code snippet, we created printNumber function with x and isActive parameters and printing different variables (x, y, z) value.


If isActive variable value is true, then it will execute the statements which are inside of the condition. Same way, if x value is greater than 2 then it will the statements inside of the condition.


When we try to execute the above program, we will get the compile-time errors like as shown below.


Typescript let variables scope example result


The compile errors occurred because we tried to access the variables (y, z) outside of the defined blocks. As discussed, the let variable's scope is limited to the defined blocks. So, we will get compile-time errors when we try to access the let variables outside of the scope.


Another thing, the blocked-scope let variables will not allow to read/write before they actually declared.


Following is the example of using the variables before they actually declared in typescript.


console.log(x); // Block-scoped variable 'a' used before its declaration.

let x = 1;


console.log(y); // undefined

var y = 10;

When we execute the above program, the typescript compiler will throw compile-time error because we are trying to use let variable before actually declared but we can use var variables before they declared.

TypeScript Variables Re-declaration

In typescript, the let variables cannot be re-declared in the same scope but var variables can be re-declared.


In case, if we re-declare let variables in the same scope we will get the compile-time errors but for var variables it didn’t matter how many times you declare the variables, you will get only one.


Following is the example of re-declaring the let and var variables in typescript.


let msg = "Welcome"; // OK

let Msg = "to"; // OK


let msg = "Tutlane"; // Error: Cannot re-declare block-scoped variable 'msg'

let Msg = "Tutorials"; // Error: Cannot re-declare block-scoped variable 'Msg'


var uname = "suresh";

var uname = "Rohini";

var uname = "Trishi";

console.log(uname); // Trishi

In the above example, the TypeScript compiler will consider the let variables msg and Msg are different because the typescript is case-sensitive but it will throw compile-time error for the let variables which match with the same name and case.


For var variables, it didn’t matter how many times you declare the variables, the TypeScript compiler will consider only the latest var variable.


If required, you can use let variables with the same name and case in different blocks as shown below.


function printNumber(x: number, isActive: boolean) {

    let y = 1;

    if (isActive) {

        let y = x + 1000;

        console.log(y); // 1003


    if (x > 2) {

        let y = x + 10;

        console.log(y); // 13


    console.log(y); // 1


printNumber(3, true);

If you observe the above code snippet, we re-declared the variable y for multiple times in different block-scope.


When we compile and execute the above program, we will get the result as shown below.





In typescript, we will get the compile-time errors when we re-declare variables in the following cases.


function addnumbers(x: number) {

 let x = 100; // Error: Duplicate identifier 'x'



function subnumbers(){

    let x = 100;

    var x = 100; // Error: Cannot re-declare block-scoped variable 'x'


If you observe the above code snippet, we got compile-time error when we re-declare the variable that was already defined as an argument of function and when we define the same variable (x) with both let and var keywords.

TypeScript Variables with const Keyword

As discussed, in ES6 the const keyword was introduced along with let keyword to fix the problems of var variables.


The const variables will behave same as let variables but the only difference is the const variable value cannot be changed once assigned.


Same like var and let declarations, you can use const keyword to define the const variables. Following is the syntax of declaring the const variables.


const [Variable Name] = [Value];

const [Variable Name]: [Type Annotation] = [Value];

The const variables must be initialized during the declaration itself. Following is the example of declaring and defining the variables with const keyword in typescript.


const uname = "Suresh Dasari";

const ulocation: string = "Hyderabad";

const marks: number = 400;

marks = 500; // Error: Cannot assign to 'marks' because it is a constant

const percentage: number; // Error: 'const' declarations must be initialized

percentage = 78;

If you observe the above const variables declaration, when we try to re-assign the value or declaring the const variables without initialization, we got the compile-time errors.


The const variables are having the same scoping rules as let variables but you cannot re-declare or reassign const variables.


In case, if you want to modify const variable values you can do it via object properties like as shown below.


const lcount=1;

const user = {

    name: "Suresh",

    laps: lcount,



// Error: Cannot assign to 'user' because it is a constant

user = {

    name: "Rohini",

    laps: lcount



// all "okay"

user.name = "Rohini";

user.name = "Trishi";


This is how we can declare and initialize variables in typescript using var, let and const keywords based on our requirements.