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Highcharts Area Range and Line Chart Example
Keywords : How to create area range chart with line using highcharts, Area range and line chart using highcharts with example, Highcharts area chart with range and line example
<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Highcharts Area Range and Line chart</title> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script> <script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> <script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts-more.js"></script> <script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { var ranges = [ [1246406400000, 14.3, 27.7], [1246492800000, 14.5, 27.8], [1246579200000, 15.5, 29.6], [1246665600000, 16.7, 30.7], [1246752000000, 16.5, 25.0], [1246838400000, 17.8, 25.7], [1246924800000, 13.5, 24.8], [1247011200000, 10.5, 21.4], [1247097600000, 9.2, 23.8], [1247184000000, 11.6, 21.8], [1247270400000, 10.7, 23.7], [1247356800000, 11.0, 23.3], [1247443200000, 11.6, 23.7], [1247529600000, 11.8, 20.7], [1247616000000, 12.6, 22.4], [1247702400000, 13.6, 19.6], [1247788800000, 11.4, 22.6], [1247875200000, 13.2, 25.0], [1247961600000, 14.2, 21.6], [1248048000000, 13.1, 17.1], [1248134400000, 12.2, 15.5], [1248220800000, 12.0, 20.8], [1248307200000, 12.0, 17.1], [1248393600000, 12.7, 18.3], [1248480000000, 12.4, 19.4], [1248566400000, 12.6, 19.9], [1248652800000, 11.9, 20.2], [1248739200000, 11.0, 19.3], [1248825600000, 10.8, 17.8], [1248912000000, 11.8, 18.5], [1248998400000, 10.8, 16.1] ], averages = [ [1246406400000, 21.5], [1246492800000, 22.1], [1246579200000, 23], [1246665600000, 23.8], [1246752000000, 21.4], [1246838400000, 21.3], [1246924800000, 18.3], [1247011200000, 15.4], [1247097600000, 16.4], [1247184000000, 17.7], [1247270400000, 17.5], [1247356800000, 17.6], [1247443200000, 17.7], [1247529600000, 16.8], [1247616000000, 17.7], [1247702400000, 16.3], [1247788800000, 17.8], [1247875200000, 18.1], [1247961600000, 17.2], [1248048000000, 14.4], [1248134400000, 13.7], [1248220800000, 15.7], [1248307200000, 14.6], [1248393600000, 15.3], [1248480000000, 15.3], [1248566400000, 15.8], [1248652800000, 15.2], [1248739200000, 14.8], [1248825600000, 14.4], [1248912000000, 15], [1248998400000, 13.6] ]; var chartitle = { text: 'July temperatures' } var chartxaxis = { type: 'datetime' } var chartyaxis = { title: { text: null } } var chartooltip = { crosshairs: true, shared: true, valueSuffix: '°C' } var chartlegends = { } var chartseries = [{ name: 'Temperature', data: averages, zIndex: 1, marker: { fillColor: 'white', lineWidth: 2, lineColor: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0] } }, { name: 'Range', data: ranges, type: 'arearange', lineWidth: 0, linkedTo: ':previous', color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0], fillOpacity: 0.3, zIndex: 0 }] $('#container').highcharts({ title: chartitle, xAxis: chartxaxis, yAxis: chartyaxis, tooltip: chartooltip, legend: chartlegends, series: chartseries }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="container" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> </body> </html>
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